Posts Tagged ‘GlobalWarming’

California Cap and Tax Hits a Snag

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Last November, California voters refused to overturn AB32. That misguided legislation imposed climate change as gospel and gave the California Air Resources Board a mandate to stop ‘global warming.’ Coincidentally, last fall CARB implemented a ‘cap and trade’ system for the state (what I call ‘cap and tax’).

But in what can only be described as schadenfreude, a judge in San Francisco made a tentative ruling that the plan violates California’s environmental laws. The judge stated that CARB didn’t investigate alternatives and did not comply with existing environmental law.

Unfortunately, the underlying law–one that stands to drive even more business out of the Bronze Golden State–is still on the books. However, it likely will be a couple of years before CARB will be able to implement anything on this bad piece of legislation.