Posts Tagged ‘FBAR. SwissBanks’

Hint: If There’s a Chance You’ll be Arrested, Don’t Change Planes in the U.S.

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

A few years ago, David Carruthers, a citizen of the United Kingdom, needed to get to San Jose, Costa Rica from London. He booked a flight through Dallas-Fort Worth. That was a mistake, as Mr. Carruthers was an executive for an online sportsbook. His two-hour layover ended up being far, far longer as he was arrested on various charges.

There’s another group of individuals who shouldn’t fly to the US: Executives of Swiss banks. Christos Bagios, a former UBS banker who is now with Credit Suisse, has apparently been charged with conspiracy and fraud.

As Phil Hodgen states, “[If you are a Swiss banker,] Do not travel to the United States. Ever…If you are flying to South America from Europe, do not change planes in the United States. Ever.” Phil has more on this here.