Special Election on Tuesday

On Tuesday Californians will vote in a special election on six initiatives that, even if they pass, will still leave the state with a $15 billion deficit.

The Flash Report quotes Americans for Tax Reform:

The California government has lived beyond its means for far too long. Last year politicians in Sacramento spent $33 billion more than the state brought in. If a business were to operate like this it would go under. If a family were to budget like this it would go bankrupt.

State spending in California has increased 300 percent since 1991. Had spending been limited to the rate of population growth and inflation, the state would be sitting on a $15 billion surplus rather than staring down the barrel of a $21 billion deficit.

The above is all you really need to know about California’s government. It’s time for spending to be drastically cut. Perhaps the legislature will get the idea when Propositions 1A – 1E go down to defeat.

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