Vociferous Waste

Jerry Houseman, a member of the Sacramento City School Board. Here’s what he recently said of those of us who are against tax increases:

He thinks that people who don’t want tax increases are against public education and funding of police and fire departments.

I’m for those things.

What I’m against is the duplicative waste and bureaucracy in Sacramento; spending that has increased far faster than the rate of inflation over the last twenty years (even when you include the impact of population growth); and a mindset that the solution is never to cut programs but to always increase taxes.

Mr. Houseman vented against the Tea Party movement. Like all Americans, he’s entitled to his opinion. I’d suggest that he also consider our Founding Fathers and their version of an America with limited government. Indeed, the 10th Amendment notes that many powers vest with the people.

The Tea Party movement could lead us toward a shrinkage of government. Unlike Mr. Houseman I think that would be a very good thing.

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