Off the Deep End

Now that it’s summer, you may be considering a trip to the pool. Swimming is a great summer activity, but you do have to be careful when you dive into a pool. One diving coach jumped into some hot water last week.

Michael Finneran was the head woman’s diving coach at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. But Mr. Finneran didn’t consider himself an employee of N.C. State. On his North Carolina tax returns, he allegedly included phony W-2 forms showing no state income. That’s a problem, especially when you’re listed in the Athletic Department’s web page.

As reported here, Mr. Finneran was convicted of evading state income tax and was sentenced to 25 to 30 months in prison. According to the news story, he plans on appealing the conviction.

One Response to “Off the Deep End”

  1. Carrie says:

    Once again, the media dishes out just what they want you to believe. This blurb states Michael Finneran was the head coach for women at NCSU. If they can’t even get that fact straight, why believe the rest of it?