Vote Early but Not Often

…unless you live in Chicago (well, there’s no election in Illinois on Tuesday).

Californians will go to the polls on Tuesday to decide several propositions. There are also some local ballot initiatives. Here in Orange County, we have Propositions B, C, D & E. These take part of the $0.005 sales tax approved by the voters (Proposition 172) and reallocate it (except for Proposition B, which leaves the allocation alone).

If you’re confused by these propositions, you’re not alone. The firefighters gathered signatures to put Proposition D on the ballot (this increases the allocation to firefighters and decreases the allocation to the Sheriff). Guess who is against Proposition D?

The supervisors apparently didn’t like Proposition D, either, so they added B, C and E to the ballot, in an effort to confuse the voters (it’s working, too). One note about the OCFA (Orange County Fire Authority)–the firefighters of Orange County are among the highest paid in the country.

But whatever you do, exercise your right and vote in tomorrow’s election. Make sure your voice is heard—take a few minutes and vote.

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