It’s Not Wise to be a Bozo

Two more Bozo tax preparers won’t be harming consumers any more. Let’s just say up front that the methods used weren’t wise.

First, we’ll head to Union City, Georgia. Majalai Wisdom prepared plenty of tax returns from 2000-2004.Me And her clients got lots of refunds (and gave her back $500 – $1500 in cash from each refund they received). Of course, the fact that Ms. Wisdom made up her own W-2s for clients using nonexistent employers, added phony exemptions and credits, including children who had nothing to do with the taxpayer. Now, perhaps if she used just one of those methods she wouldn’t have gotten caught. However, sooner or later the IRS computers would wonder why Joe Taxpayer showed income from Acme but Acme never filed its W-3 with the government. Ms. Wisdom was sentenced to 30 months at ClubFed.

Meanwhile, the proprietor of Melba’s Tax Service in Batesville, Arkansas will soon be at ClubFed. Melba Nelia Lopez pleaded guilty to two counts of preparing false tax returns. Ms. Lopez appears to have also added phony items to clients’ returns causing the government a loss of about $95,000. She’ll be sentenced later this year.

And what will likely happen to users of Ms. Wisdom or Ms. Lopez? Their clients will soon be receiving “Dear Soon to be Audited Taxpayer” letters (if they haven’t already received them). Remember, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.


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