A Rare Piece of Efficiency from the IRS

We have to take our victories in dealing with the IRS where we find them. As an Enrolled Agent, every three years I have to renew my license. I go online, check various boxes, note the continuing education I’ve taken, pay a fee, and months later I receive my Enrollment Card in the mail. Indeed, three years ago it took three tries for my card to make it to me (possibly because of my move).

On November 4th I completed my renewal application. In yesterday’s mail I received my new Enrollment Card (postmarked on November 28th). Kudos to the IRS in getting this done efficiently.

Now, if they could only make the Practitioner Priority Service hold times be under an hour….

2 Responses to “A Rare Piece of Efficiency from the IRS”

  1. David says:

    “Now, if they could only make the Practitioner Priority Service hold times be under an hour….”

    I think the statement could be amended to include:
    If only they would keep the line active after April 15th, we could address some of the natty problems that arise for those clients with an extended tax return deadline in October…

    Maybe, someone would be willing to communicate with a Congress member or two to have them boost the IRS interest in helping us prepare correct and complete tax returns up to the final deadline, instead of leaving us on our own after the initial deadline in April.